We never really announced it, but the Celica's timing chain snapped about a month back. We were so bummed! But thanks to our good bud Justin, a fresh 22re was sourced and swapped in. Check out this super stocker! Haha, she forced me to take some pictures after she cleaned it. This car is in premo condish for it's age!
Now it just needs some money and effort RIGHT DARLING?
YUP, we went to go pick up a set of varrstoen wheels and aero for yuta's sc. Also picked up 2 other sets of varrstoens, a pair of real te37's for bryon's fc and a pair of fn's for scott's sc. Fun trip but doing all this in a single day wasn't the bee's knees. THANKS HUNG! for letting us crash at your place
Main two tracks of the trip were Miley Cyrus's PARTY IN THE USA and The Outfield - your love.
Anyone recognize my shirt?
cute display at fatboy garage, weird seeing it from these angles and so clean
we added the extra stickers for fun
fatboy garage let us use this plastic rope thing to tie the wheels to the roof, super saved us in the end
Scott recommended this place for us to eat in socal, he lied, this place sucks :(
Did anyone catch my blog getting handled by photobucket last night? You can thank my girlfriend Trinh for coughing up the photobucket PRO renewal(by getting me a month of GameFly, haha!) and getting this thing back on track for another solid year.