Man, it was so incredibly tiring. For simplicity sake...Friday night, I watched Bio-dome(1996) with Matt9000 and got 2 hours of sleep before we left for socal. Just hung out and shot the shit with a bunch of cool kids on Saturday, ended the night drinking a sidewalk slammer (40oz, drink half the beer, pour your choice of 4loko in and mix, finish 4 loko) and spent a few hours in a hot tub only to sleep for 1 hour before going to JCCS on Sunday.
Then, spent all day in the sun and got a GNARLY neck and farmers tan. Slightly sun burned, but I had a really cool time meeting and hanging out with everyone! Went for some crazy Orange Juice with Antonio afterward, korean BBQ, and then drove all the way back home on an hour of sleep and 5 hr energy. 3 hours of sleep the whole weekend and got home at 6am on Monday.
Oh, youth.
More pictures whenever